Workshop - Calling, spiritual gifts, purpose, and abilities

Week 11

Spiritual Gifts Assessment we used (after reviewing several)
You can take it online or download it as we did :

We were unable to upload or link directly to the pdfs, this is a limitation of our current hosting platform...we are changing very soon...otherwise we would provide you downloadable files right here.  Anyway, here are the details of the other you can create your own, as you will see they are very simple.


Purpose Page

Very quickly write down whatever comes to mind when you think of your purpose, continue until the page is full or you are stopped in your tracks by what you wrote...or even cry.


Abilities Page

Write down all the abilities, talents, gifts you possess as they come to mind.


Affirmation Page

Write down who or what affirmed your calling or spiritual gift(s) – be specific.


Summary Page

God’s Call:

My Spiritual gifts: 

My Purpose:

My Abilities:

My Calling(s):

My Faith in Action Plan:


We put together quick specific videos for each area discussed, hoping to simplify  as much as possible...60 seconds or less each.

All Called

Spiritual Gifts



Abilities, talents, gifts
