RightNow Media
We believe the mission of the church matters. And we’ve seen how God can change lives through video resources. That’s why we developed RightNow Media. Now, every person in your church can access over 20,000 Biblically-based videos for small groups, families, students, leadership development, and much more.
As mentioned above they work with churches, however One22 was able to partner with Perry First Baptist Church and RightNow Media to make the resources available to you, wherever you are.
From your Phone: text PERRYFBC to 49775, walk through account setup and you are in.
From a computer: click the Rightnow Media setup link - https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/perryfirstbaptistchurch
Installing the right now media app is covered in the above video, but since the video was created changes have been made to the app, including a bible app with various translations built in along with the group features, below is a screenshot of it on a Droid, but looks similar on iPhone.

The middle icon on the bottom is the Bible App, to the right of that is the Group app.
For a small sampling of what's available, check out these trailers
Kids Trailer showing a sample of the content specifically made for kids
Check out Bible Backroads...
Originals Trailer
The Book of James
Living life Together
History of Traders