World Religions
Religions of the world Explained: 5 of the worlds most widespread and influential religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism. You may be surprised to learn that they all share something in common.
Other Religions Point to Jesus
Cold-Case Christianity - J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace
Religions of the World
Narrated by Academy Award-winner Ben Kingsley, this series objectively documents religions worldwide with interviews from experts. Travel to exotic locations around the world and see how such religions as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Protestantism and Catholicism have shaped cultures, changed history and left their mark on humanity.

From Muslims to Mormons, there are over 77 million people in America who do not believe in biblical Christianity, according to a recent PEW Report. Now you can easily compare their beliefs to Christianity with this quick-reference pamphlet! Over 1 million copies sold! Christianity, Cults and Religions is the Best-Selling Cults and Religions Comparison Chart. Compare 20 cults, sects, and religions.
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Religious statistics we reviewed, click on words below to open in new window.
Prevailing Beliefs Interactive MAP (PBS)
World Population by Religion: A Global Tapestry of Faith